To mark the 30th anniversary of Star Wars here are some facts gleened from the BBC website
Anthony Daniels as C-3PO and Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2, are the only actors credited with being in all six Star Wars films
Lucas once said that the shape of the Millennium Falcon was based on a hamburger.
Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker, was involved in a car accident following primary shooting. His face was damaged making reshoots impossible. Hamill later said he only broke his nose and reports that his face was reconstructed were wide of the mark.
One of the most famous bloopers from the film is when stormtroopers burst into a room and one of them hits his head on the door frame. Fans of Star Wars and the blooper have spotted hundreds of "mistakes" throughout the Star Wars franchise but many can only be spotted by the most eagle-eyed viewer
In case you have never seen the films *gasp* you can catch up here and shame on you - go and rent them straight away (the first three, that bacame the last three are the best IMHO)